Affordable Rentals on the beach
– Simple, yet comfortable, fully equipped, small Caribbean style private cottages on a quiet beach.
– For solo, two close friends or a couple.
– Discount rates for longer sabbatical stays.
Relax and Recharge:
A small get-away with just 3 cabins in our tropical flower and fruit garden in a residential beach neighborhood – away from crowds – to release, clear your mind, unwind, write, paint, and explore Talamanca’s unique cultural heritage, lush rainforests and stunning beaches.

Exploring Life’s Purpose, Awakening, Self-Realization:
Wondering what this is all about? Time for solitude, silence, meditation, prayer, self inquiry, journal writing, and maybe some sharing with like-minded people.

Yoga, Healing, and Recovery:
Enjoying the healing power of the sea, the tropical sun and rain, the jungle, with optional daily yoga instructions at our yoga gazebo next door, as well as providing contacts to holistic therapists for appointments if needed (therapeutic massage, craneo-sacral, aroma therapy, acupuncture).

At Life’s Crossroads:
A safe space for reflection and setting a new course. The tropical environment of Costa Rica’s southern Caribbean coast, intense with lush jungle vegetation, so rich in colors, aromas, and magical sounds, is an ideal place for personal transformation because ‘things’ won’t keep very long in this climate with its strong decomposing qualities, almost obligating one to let go of any attachments and old beliefs.

“…Now looking through the slanting light of the morning window
toward the mountain presence of everything that can be
what urgency calls you to your one love?
What shape waits in the seed of you?
to grow and spread its branches
against a future sky?…” – David Whyte